
Comfort Fingers

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>> I'm not sure whether to be really happy or angry with COS for putting pre-meditated thumb holes into this cashmere top that I picked up as err... an overindulgent pyjama top.  I've recounted many times on the blog the inaugural act of getting a new school jumper and then proceeding to gradually wreck it through the terms as I push my thumbs through to make some lovely shredded holes.  Was it purely a means of keeping my fingers busy?   Was it an act born out of pent up teenage frustration and all that jazz?  Was I just into scraggy holes in jumpers?  This surely needs to be psych-analysed at one point.

So am I REALLY mad at COS for taking out the gradual process of the hole-making and neatening them up into perfectly formed thumb-vestibules?  Or like the old fogey that I've become,coach handbags sale, perhaps I'm SUPER happy that the holes have been yuppified and are there,coach handbags sale, ripe for the taking.  I slip this piece of cashmere on and thumbs slot right in with an ease that is supposedly befitting for someone who can swan into COS and pick up a cashmere pyjama top (though I really thought it was just a plain cotton tee...)...  

You know fashion week has got too heady when I'm analysing an afterthought of a design detail...  


