

bits + pieces. {a friday ritual.}

it's spring cleaning time over here for the next couple of weeks. we are turning this place upside down and getting rid of all of this STUFF. aubrey already donated two giant truck loads to the salvation army this morning and is taking another load over this afternoon. we plan on really simplifying our space and letting go of a lot of the things that aren't necessary or serving a real purpose in our home. we have a guest house in back that has turned into a storage space that we are going to clean out and make usable again. we miss having a place for our out of town guests to stay in when they come to visit. we're purging, painting, cleaning and rearranging. i guess we've been bitten by the spring cleaning bug and we are loving it!

i also jumped on the Bringing Up Bebe band wagon. this book has been floating around the internet, as i 'm sure you have noticed, and i am pretty excited to read it in my spare time.

the last photo is something that happens all too often in our house. we do load after load of laundry, trying to catch up. we fold it, place it in each persons designated piles and then put it on the couch in the family room in hopes of getting it all put away into drawers. there it sits. the piles slowly become picked through, sat on, unfolded and the home of other random things stacked up on top. does this happen to you guys too? we are working out a new system, including a no clothes on the couch policy. all it takes is a little extra effort on all of our parts. do you guys have a system that works for you?

feel free to link your bits + pieces in the comments below. happy weekending!

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